Russian Scouts were founded on April 30, 1909, by Lieutenant Oleg Ivanovich Pantukhoff of the 1st Regiment of the Guard Riflemen in Saint Petersburg. After the revolution, Colonel O.I. Pantukhoff established the National Organization of Russian Scouts in exile to recreate the spirit of the Russian scouting organization within each country that hosted Russian emigrants. By decree, he confirmed the right of the National Organization of Russian Scouts (NORS in Russian and English) to trace its origins back to April 1909.

The French section has existed since 1920 and continues its educational work, striving to teach the Orthodox faith, the Russian language, traditions, and customs while contributing to education according to the principles of scouting defined by Lord Baden Powell and developed under the auspices of the World Scout Conference and the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). This is done while instilling civic values appropriate to each host country.

Solemn Promise of the Russian Scouts

I give my solemn promise, and I reinforce it with my word of honor, that to the best of my abilities:

  1. I will fulfill my duty to God and my homeland,
  2. I will do at least one good deed each day,
  3. I will follow the laws of the Russian Scouts.

Laws of the Russian Scouts

  1. A scout is faithful to God, devoted to his homeland, parents, and leaders.
  2. A scout is upright and honest.
  3. A scout helps others.
  4. A scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout.
  5. A scout obeys his parents without question and carries out the orders of his leaders.
  6. A scout is kind and helpful.
  7. A scout is a friend to animals.
  8. A scout is careful and respects the property of others.
  9. A scout is clean in thoughts, words, deeds, body, and spirit.
  10. A scout is hardworking and persistent.
  11. A scout is cheerful and always keeps up his morale.
  12. A scout is modest.